Exhibition „art laboratory“ in the Weltecho, Chemnitz
The three Armenian artists Ara Petrosyan, Edgar Amroyan and Garik Yegibaryan spent two months in Chemnitz and explored the Saxon city with curous eyes.

In the week 20th to 25th June the gallery will show the pieces the artists made during the last weeks in Chemnitz together with former artworks they produced with their group Art Laboratory from Yerevan (videos, paintings and street art works).
You are cordially invited to get to know the three artists and to have a look at their work, showing their impressions from Chemnitz.

The closing reception and at the same time farewell party for the artists will be on June 25 together with all interested guests and new friends.


Title: art laboratory
Duration: 20th-25th June

Opening hours: every day from 4 pm to 8 pm

Special event: closing reception 25th June

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